Treating Pet Allergy in Cooroy

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Dog Wearing Glasses — Vet Services in Cooroy, QLD

Itchy Scratchy Animals

At Maple Street Vet in Cooroy, we provide a range of treatments for pets with allergies. In ten years of insurance claims, the number one insurance claim for pet illness in the last consecutive ten years is allergy.

Conventional medicine cannot allude to us why allergies occur.

I have spent my clinical life understanding this problem. To unravel the issue, I have created a new medical model of understanding to explain why allergies occur. The result is not what you would be expecting:

  • There is an allergy signal
    There is an autoimmune signal
  • There is a pattern in the body – a fight response
  • There is a mindset – I am not worthy, I am not loveable, or I cannot do this
  • There is a consciousness – usually fear, grief or desire

The understanding that the human carer’s consciousness is the most important trigger for the pet’s allergies, autoimmune disease, and behavioural problems.

Why Switch Off Allergy Signals?

Reasons to consider switching off the allergy signals:

  1. Natural approach vs drug approach
  2. Potential to switch off signals requiring no further actions
  3. Daily medications are expensive
  4. The suppressive medications have a medical cost in suppressing the immune system
  5. Long term better outcome financially and medically
  6.  Better outcomes for the carer’s mental wellbeing

Caveat – the healing of the allergy signals is dependent on the carer/owner embracing their own consciousness. Allergy is associated with Fear, Grief and Desire in the owner. A signing of consent and declaration of understanding of this caveat is done prior to undertaking this procedure.

Cat Walking Through Cat Door — Vet Services in Cooroy, QLD
Dog Running In Park — Vet Services in Cooroy, QLD

Switching Off Allergy Signal

Most allergy patients react to a multitude of allergens. Chasing the allergen is fruitless—the essence of this treatment is to switch off the allergy signal, its memory and deal with the root cause of why the signal is present in the first place.

The allergy signal composes of:

  1. Part of the immune system called T cells i.e., T follicular cells in allergies and T regulatory cells in autoimmune disease.
  2. Vaccine excipients (T helper cell stimulators) of mercury, aluminium and saponins (plant fats).
  3. The energy pattern of the patient and associated consciousness of the owner – usually fear/grief or desire.
  4. MOST IMPORTANTLY the memory of allergy is stored in a muscle 

Treatment is targeting the allergy signal in the Sick acupuncture channel and the Memory of the allergy stored in a muscle.  We have spent years researching the source of this memory, if it was in the brain, immune cells or microbiome. The answer is it is simply stored in a muscle.

Sedation is required so that we can accurately treat the channel and the muscle and most patients have a consciousness of fear – thus having them sedated is more comfortable for them.

Results: We have had good success rate so far (98%) – the odds are the more patients we treat we will find some patients that do not respond. That’s life. Its nature and nothing is guaranteed in nature. Just more research into why they did not respond.

What’s the process?

  1. An initial 1 hour consultation -physical exam, energetic exam and energetic allergy profile analysis.
  2. Treatment involves a sedation
  3. TC Healing Laser recording of the Sick acupuncture channel.
  4. Electroacupuncture of the Sick acupuncture channel at a specific frequency.
  5. Electroacupuncture of the specific memory muscle at a specific frequency.
  6. Healing of the sick acupuncture channel with the recorded sick channel music, whilst the electroacupuncture is in process.
  7. Music is made of the energy pattern of the patient,  associated consciousness, allergy signal, components of the allergy memory.
  8. The owner plays the music to the patient for the next seven days and MUST embrace the associated consciousness within themselves. 
  9. The patient is e-examined after seven days.
  10. Continue medications until the allergy signal  is no longer present.
How many treatments ?
Most allergy patients are reactive to all three  Foods / Inhalant and Contact allergies. So treatment is targeted to the allergens you cannot avoid for example Inhaled allergens or Contact allergens. 

We have successfully treated all three categories. 
Cat Laying On Carpet — Vet Services in Cooroy, QLD
Hand Holding Dog Paw — Vet Services in Cooroy, QLD

Side Effects

Nil side effects 

  • Potential side effects include trauma as a result of acupuncture


Patient Info

Vet Referring Service

To find out more about Garry’s process, get in touch with us today at Maple Street Vet.